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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
October 21, 2010
6 PM
Town Hall Annex

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee and Matt Lindberg.

Four Corners and Wachusett Meadow
Letters were sent to residents of both areas inviting them to an informational meeting with representatives from the Massachusetts Historical Commission on November 3rd at 7PM.  Approximately 60 letters total were sent.  An on-site visit of both sites will take place at 5PM on November 3rd followed by dinner for MHC and PHC participants at 6:30 and the general meeting at 7.  Joyce, Sheila and Alex will provide refreshments.

Joyce and Sheila attended a meeting with the Westminster Historical Commission.  Westminster was enthusiastic about a joint inventory effort and may have historical records that will help determine definitively whether or not Everettville is partially located in Westminster.  Betsy Hanula, Chair of the Westminster Historical Commission and Historical Society will begin researching soon.
Everettville was decommissioned as a postal address as recently as 20 years ago.

Wachusett Mountain National Register Nomination
Sheila sent the previously discussed letter to DCR asking for their support in keeping the nomination moving forward.  The deadline for DCR to send their materials to MHC is November 28.  Betsy Friedburg and Wendy Pearle of MHC were copied on the letter via email.  Joyce will keep in touch with Wendy regarding any developments.

East Princeton Village Overlay District
There was a question about the intention of the East Princeton Overlay District Village bylaw with regard to Town Line Garage.  This was confusing because the recent draft of the bylaw did not seem to reflect recent bylaw discussions.  Alex will look into it.

Demolition Delay Bylaw
Sheila noted that most demolition delay bylaws apply to houses 75 years and older for a duration of 6 months. Members agreed to pursue the same terms for Princeton.  Sheila shared her rework of the MHC bylaw template which includes more favorable language from Bolton's bylaw.  Members discussed pros and cons of other town's bylaws including that of Bolton, West Boylston and Concord.  Members reviewed and commented on various sections of the MHC template bylaw and will continue to do so individually in preparation for the next meeting.  Questions arose including the applicability of the proposed bylaw to non-dwellings such as sheds and stone walls.  The extent of demolition (partial or complete) was also discussed.  Members considered a 'grandfather' status that would exempt existing residents, but members ultimately agreed that a demolition was a demolition.  The Commission will seek comments from the following boards (in Dec and Jan) prior to creating a final draft:  Select Board, Planning Board, Advisory Board, Conservation Commission, also John Lebeaux and John Wilson.  Town Counsel review will be pursued prior to town warrant submission.  Publicity to begin in February with press releases, public hearings and mailings to follow.

Upcoming Meetings
MHC: November 3, 2010 at 7PM, Town Hall Annex
PHC: November 9, 2010 at 7PM, Town Hall Annex

Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca